Choose your lodging option:
– Accommodation in hostels. Bunk beds, toilets and showers. (Bring bedding and towel)
(€ 110 all the festival – € 60 less than a week) – If you want, you can enter to the hostel the day 12th and stay until the 28th . Select it in your registration
Located in the historical center of Petrer. Close to the Espai Blanc and Cervantes Theatre. For more information, write to festivaldeguitarrapetrer@gmail.com
– Accommodation in Sant Bonifaci HOTEL (Sponsor of the festival): special prize to all the participants: Room, €52 per night, IVA included (€57 with breakfast – double €63)
Avenida de Madrid 12, next to the bus station of Petrer. Direct link to the reservation with the special prize: hotelsantbonifacifestival@gmail.com
– Other options:
How to arrive to Petrer:
– Nearest airport: Alicante – (bus of the airport – bus station Alicante / bus station Alicante – Petrer)
– Train station: Elda-Petrer
– Bus station: Avenida de Madrid, 10.
– AVE station: Alicante and Villena